Bill Robertson

I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I know. I know.

I've been away a long time.

I've been very depressed and just blah. I've had no motivation and practically no interests, so I just lie around the house all day watching tv.

I'm still depressed (My va psychiatrist made one minor adjustment to my meds yesterday. She told me to take both of the bupropion pills in the morning rather than one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I know I can do that. I kept forgetting to take the afternoon pill. We'll see if there's any change. Hey! Maybe this is a change.), but I want to have a little more structure in my everyday life.

I haven't been submitting, or writing, which is worse. I did have two poems published in the Kane County Chronicle. Whee.

I am at least a little functional. When the loml gives me a grocery list, I can shop (I like riding in the electric carts. I need them because my back is such now that I can't stay on my feet long enough to do a shopping). I can wash dishes (occasionally). I can take out the garbage (if it really needs it). I've practically given up on personal hygiene though. I go a week or more between showers. I don't brush my teeth every day. I wear shirts for two days in a row. And I'll stay in the same jeans/shorts for weeks at a time. At least I don't stink.

There's not much to bring you up to date on: I leave (by bus) to visit my sister in Ottawa on June 3rd, and we're driving to Texas in early july to visit family and friends there.

More tomorrow, I guess.


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