I've got to learn to write even when I don't want to, when I have nothing to say, when I'm bored by it. I'm bored now. This feels so pointless and empty. I don't know where to go.
I went to Nicole's 2nd open mic on Tuesday. There was an okay turnout, ten people. Jason was there with Kelly. They each read a poem inspired by the other. I liked Kelly's best. I felt as though I read too much.
You may have noticed that I now have my current manuscript posted online. I guess this means I've given up on having it published. It's been downloaded just twice so far.
Oh. I talked to a cardiologist at the VA on Thursday. My nurse practitioner set up the appointment after the results of my stress test in May came back inconclusive. The cardiologist thinks that the results may (are even porbably) show a false anomoly, but she scheduled an angiogram just to be sure. Excitement.
Well. This is all I can bear for now.
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