Bill Robertson

I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


On Friday the sister and I went to a Renoir landscape exhibit at the art gallery in Ottawa. It was excellent, samples of his work from different periods. I especcially liked the way some of his paintings had an almost 3D effect.

When we got through we went up one floor to a showing of modern photography. Very interesting, hard to tell what the pictures were actually of, many studies in form and color.

We had lunch at yet another Indian restaurant. I had a spicy shrimp dish augmented by some nice roasted peppers, not particularly hot, but a wonderful flavor.

Saturday I was pushed over to the baby ducks again and on the way we came across a young rabbit.

After I got all packed my sister and I went to a salvadorian restuarant for lunch. I had what turned out to be shrimp cocktail.

The bus ride home was uneventful. Once again I didn't get much sleep. The loml got to the Aurora station just as the bus was pulling up. It was so great to be with her again.

We went to lunch in Geneva to a spot we'd been to before, upstairs over some gift shops katty-corner from Graham's Chocolate.

Skippy was happy to see me and we cuddled for a while after we let him out of his crate in the living room.

After dinner we got to bed for a much needed night's sleep. I got to sleep in Monday morning. The loml said that she'd wake up with Skippy both Monday and Tuesday because she was used to it and I probably needed the extra rest. We'll alternate days the rest of the summer.

I weighed 207 pounds(!), so I only gained two pounds during my trip. I would've settled for 210, so as it was I was very happy.

Monday afternoon I had an appointment with my neurologist at the VA hospital. Little if any change since my last follow-up. I guess at some point my neuropathy is supposed to get more painful and I'll need an increase in my gabapentin.

I got home at 6:00 and beat the loml home from her jazzercize workout. We got to bed sort of early again.

This morning I enjoyed sleeping in again. about 10:00 the loml and I went for a 2o minute bike ride following the route she likes to take. I don't know how well I'm going to do tomorrow when we go riding with the landlords.

I dropped the loml off at the library while I went to get an oil change for her car. They said they were too busy today, so I'll go back Thursday morning.

Now here I am at one of the library's computers typing this while the loml reads her book for a bit. Her book club is two weeks from tomorrow and she wants to be sure to be finished with the book by then since she's the one who chose it.

I'm not sure what we'll do for the rest of the day, but I'm happy just hanging out with the loml.


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