Bill Robertson

I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Where's the camera?

Wow. I slept in till nearly 9:00 this morning.

Yesterday we visited Parliament hill. On the way there I realized that I had forgotten to bring my camera, so naturally once there I saw all sorts of wonderful opportunities for memorable photographs. We didn't go into the building, but the outside of it is impressive enough. We walked (was pushed) all around the outside of the building.

We saw the homes for the feral cats, and watched some of them getting fed. Two large cats had a face-off over a can of cat food. After the can was emptied into a dish, they both just crouched there staring down into the dish very intently, ears plastered back on their heads. Finally one of them broke and moved away, and the other began to eat. A very peaceful confrontation.

After we had gone all around, we went about a block away where my sister bought me another camera, and then we went back so I could take some pictures. As we were heading toward the building we stopped as we first got on the grounds so I could snap a picture and just as I pressed the button two men walked through the frame. One of them came over and apologized and then offered to take our picture in front of Parliament. After he had taken it, he introduced himself and it turned out that he was a senator from Nova Scotia.

We we had finished our second cycle, we drove to Gatineau where we had lunch in a marvelous french restaurant. I had a duck pie. That's not what it was called, but that was what it was.

After lunch we went home and hung out and I watched the birds and squirrels some more.

After we picked up the b-i-l after work, we drove into Chinatown to have dinner at a restaurant my bus seatmate (from Toronto to Ottawa) had recommended. I had a disappointingly mild order of kung po chicken.

When we got home I went to bed and crashed and burned.


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