Bill Robertson

I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bike riding day

Wednesday was bike riding day.

The loml got up and went to the store to buy bread, peanut butter and pickles, and then she came home and made five sandwiches (no - they weren't peanut butter and pickle sandwiches), two for Wally and one each for Pam, the loml and me. The jar of pickles, as it turns out, were mainly for me; the loml had two, Wally had one and I had the rest.

I loaded both of our bikes into the loml's Windstar and the we gathered up the sandwiches, the pickles, the watermelon, Skippy and his travelling crate and got into the car.

We got to Wally and Pam's at 10:00AM. They were over in the tractor barn. They got our bikes and fastened all four of our bikes onto the back of their car and we were off to a park in Oswego. We left Skippy in his crate in the downstairs of their house where it was cool.

We rode bikes for a total of an hour and twenty minutes, 25 minutes before lunch and 55 minutes after lunch. I only participated in the before lunch ride. I didn't want to overdo it on my first time out. After lunch, I just sat in the shade and meditated on what it feels like to be as puny as I now am.

At 3:00PM the bikes got loaded up again and we took off for Yorkville where we picked up a 20" pizza Pam had ordered. On the way, since we had some time to kill, we stopped at a "DON'T MISS THIS ONE!" garage sale. Wally and Pam are inveterate garage-sale-shoppers.

When we got back to Wally and Pam's, the loml took Skippy for a quick walk (to go potty) while we set up around the table downstairs.

We all did a reasonable job of attacking the pizza, and I, of course, overdid it.

At 5:40PM the loml, Skippy and I left for home to meet the Schwann's man (He finally had blueberry bars on hand.).

All-in-all it was a great day, and I now know that next time I can ride a little more. Next time might be a canoe trip rather than a bike ride though. We talked about that quite a bit.


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