Bill Robertson

I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

tuesday morning at panera
4 of us met today
chris kenny greg and i
now there's just i
just i
that sounds so awkward
i guess i'll change that to now there's just me
there were just two students for chess class yesterday
they only got 1 game in
conner didn't seem to believe me when i told him that all he could do with just a queen was check he couldn't checkmate
i told him he needed to bring his king into play but he just kept checking
and nathan had been so busy adding up the points of the pieces he'd taken that he lost all of his pieces
oh well
they're very young
last night was so discouraging
ray discovered that neither of the things the dealership told me were wrong with the saturn was actually wrong with it
the right rear brake cylinder wasn't leaking and the right front ball joint wasn't loose
i hate finding out things like that
i'm so trusting
he also told me that i hadn't really needed to have the brake fluid and the power steering fluid replaced
he said he's never done that for any of his cars
ah well
live and learn
i don't think i'll go back to the dealer any more
saturn is out of business anyway
i think i'll head home and relax in the recliner with skippy
God bless

signing off
bye for now


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