Molly revisited
Nothing much has been happening lately. No more submissions. No more rejections. Yesterday I resurrected my Molly story and added a new sub-chapter. I'm feeling a little inspired to try and finish it off.
I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.
Nothing much has been happening lately. No more submissions. No more rejections. Yesterday I resurrected my Molly story and added a new sub-chapter. I'm feeling a little inspired to try and finish it off.
I got an e-mail from Rager Media. They have a new poetry editor, and he's facing quite a backlog of submissions. My book is "still under consideration" (meaning probably that it hasn't been read yet). Good. They've only had it ten months.
Skippy and I have been taking a lot of naps together this week. One day early in the week he decided to wake up at 3AM, so that messed up my internal clock for the rest of the week, necessitating all those naps.