Bill Robertson

I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

it's break time
here I am blogging on my cell phone
it's tedious
it's neat
i'm going to get to sing 1 of my songs when I give my testimony tomorrow night in west chicago
I also get to sing 1 when I give my testmony in batavia on apriil 3rd
break's over
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Saturday, March 20, 2010

1st day of spring
i'm re-reading the girl with the dragon tattoo
i'm enjoying it just as much as i did the 1st time
if no holds from the library comein soon
i'll probably also re-read the girl who played with fire
i wish that lisbeth salander was a friend of ours
of course i'm sure that faith would be put off by the tattoos and piercings
ah well
maybe kalle
he wouldn't like that
i love re-reading books i've liked
it's like visiting old friends
i miss them from time to time
right now we're sitting out the weather at the somonauk library
i'm on my netbook
instead of
1 of their computers
i think i'll email my testimony to myself
download it on 1 of their computers so i can print it out
i don't have a hard copy of the current version
i'm giving it at the west chicago cr on thursday
at the batavia cr on april 3rd
i've also offered to sing 1 or both of the songs i've written
we'll see
we just ordered the soundtrack of the movie crazy heart
we saw that yesterday
loved the music
jeff bridges and colin farrell both did a fantastic job
maggie didn't sing
she was fantastic
we also ordered grace eventually and plan b by annie lamott
we both love her writing
she always has an interesting perspective on life
it's still snowing
it's too warm for it to do any real accumulaqting though
all the roads are clear
they're wet
that's it for now
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

i'm sorry
i have no excuse
i don't know what else to say
in keeping with that
faith and i went to see the musical cinderella at the local high school
i mentioned to her that the girl playing the queen looked just like ann(e)? kelly
my 1st love
she said
i always pictured her as a brunette
she wasn't
she was blonde
it never occured to me that she might be jealous of ann(e)?
after all i had left anne in minnesota to take the bus to ohio to be with faith
as i found out later
i was just once again being an inconsiderate jerk
how unusual
i should've looked at the situation from her perspective and been more sensitive
live and learn
what really pissed her off though was when
while texting our oldest grandson
who had been in the pit orchestra
he's a trombone player
or is that trombonist
that i really liked the show
i happened to mention the resemblance
don't you know that's going to get back to her
faith asked
i hadn't seen that as neccessarily being a bad thing
but something i learned long ago
keep forgetting
is that i don't get to decide what someone else is going to find offensive
now i'm bummed out again
so i think i'll just end here
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Sunday, March 07, 2010

here i am the next day on the snail
ray didn't show up in batavia last night
tim was there
so we got to visit
the worship service was good
the sharing in the small group was very open
the ministry leader gave me his email address so i could forward him my testimony once i've made a few minor updates
it does look like my small group at church might actually start up next sunday
if everyone shows up there will be 5 people
if not
there should be at least deb and i
short and sweet
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Saturday, March 06, 2010

i'm back
I made goal yesterday morning at work
i spent 15 months doing 2 evenings and saturday morning and i only made goal 1 time
3 weeeks on 5 mornings a week and i've already done it
happy happpy joy joy
i went to cr by myself last night
since we were planning on going to sue's memorial for her son this morning she didn't want to be busy back to back
it was a very good cr
during worship beth sang a solo that was just awesome
then the sharing in the small group was very real and very vulnerable
so then this morning we drove up to the moose lodge in batavia for the memorial service
it was very nice
the pastor's message was very comforting
you could just feel the love in the room
right now we're at barnes and noble in geneva
we need to leave in about 15 minutes so i can spend an hour at home before i have to head back up to batavia to attend their cr so i can see ray
i have a preseent for him
i hope he likes it as much as i do
i'm going to go send an email to bill now asking him when he's going to send me the information and links about his diet
God bless

signing off
bye for now

Thursday, March 04, 2010

did i say tomorrow
i meant the day after tomorrow
bill from texas called today
made me very happy
he told me about a diet that supposedly helps people with spinal stenosis
briefly you eat meat vegetables and fat and avoid any and all grains
i told him i would try it for 30 - 45 days
he is sending me a summary and some links to read up on
i'm totally in for this
i forget what he said his father-in-laws spine is
he apparently is standing straighter that he has for 20 years
i told him i would keep him posted on my progress
i'm getting a little discouraged at work
our goal each morning is 9 appointments to donate blood
this is my 3rd week and so far i haven't gotten more than 6
2 people yesterday got over 15
of course i know the lists have a lot to do with it
most morning after 3 1/2 hours i haven't even talked to 9 people
oh well
onward and upward
i love though that we are not a hard sell organization
this is the first telemarketing job i've had that is on the callee's side
is that a word
oh well again
i will be back blog
this time i'm not saying tomorrow
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

don't say it
i know
5 days
i'm sorry already dear dear blog
but i really am trying
i actually have very little to share today
at least i don't remember much of anything
oh yeah
i am on chloe's family plan for the cell phone i use
she pays the bill
anyway she called me up last night and asked "what the hell did you do on 02/08 that cost $42
i used the camcorder feature on my phone to record my 2 songs
on 02/08 i had emailed 1 of them to a friend
she said that she got the company to give her a credit because this was a 1 time event and she would talk to me
3 more emails have already been sent
that got her excited
i have always been more like an adolescent in my relationship with her than a parent
when she went out of town years ago and left her car with me i totalled it
now i am running up her cell phone bill
good grief
i'm sure that some other stuff worth mentioning has occurred in these 5 days
i can't think of any more right now
i will be back tomorrow
i promise
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now