Bill Robertson

I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2 days
how about that
now what do i say though
the work week is almost over
just 1 more morning to go
i see annie in 50 minutes
i can tell her about my obsession with all things twilight
wonder what she'll make of that
also letting her know that
i'm still stable
skippy is at the vet's for the night now
i took him just before coming here to the somonauk library
he's getting groomed 1st thing in the morning there
he'll probably wind up with a ribbon and a new toy again
cr is tomorrow night
i think i've decided
notice that
i haven't decided
i think i've decided
i think i've decided to take another blue chip
this one for getting mad at faith whenever i get defensive
i really do need to work on that
i'll talk about that in the small group too
i think i'll call joe and ask him for the website where he and suloni got there little book published
i'd like to check that out
if it's cheap enough maybe i'll do another chapbook
i don't know
i'm just full of indecision today
i got a free shirt at work today
it's all polyester
and with heartlan blood centers embroidered on it in red
i'm going to wear it to work tomorrow
it's xxl which is too big but it was the only size they had and who cares really
i have to leave in 20 minutes for annie's
faith and i are in separate cars so she can go straight home when she leaves
i think
there i go again
i'm going to peruse the library catalog now
and maybe
and go to google quickly to look up vampires
God bless

signing off
bye for now

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

3 days
that's not so bad
the winter olympics
woo woo
glitz and excitement and grace and beauty
still only 3 people signed up from church for my christ-based 12 step group
4 if i count faith
and that will depend on the day and time
maybe i should scrap the cr participant guides and go with a mixed gender format
not undoable
it works for a lot of secular groups
i need to decide by sunday
i'm at the somonauk library on my trusty netbook
(which i still love)
faith is at her beth moore study
won't be home till 8:45
the library closes at 8 so i'll have time to get home and take skippy out
i am in love with bella and edward and all the other characters
maybe not the volturi
finally returned all 4 books to the library
after reading them 2 1/2 times
i'm still 17th on the list for the new moon video
i need to come up with a tune for my next song
i do the tune 1st
then the lyrics
i'm really old
i mentioned to the 20 year old i sit next to at work that i have kiss off by the violent femmes as the ring tone on my phone
and she said "who"
sigh again
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Saturday, February 20, 2010

good cr last night
faith came too
she's practically been a regular this month
i had lunch today with ray
hadn't seen him in forever
we met at panera in yorkville
good visit
i told him i would skip friday's cr week after next and meet him at batavia's cr on saturday
tomorrow night everyone is going out for chloe's (belated) birthday dinner
and i can't go
i have cr leadership training at 5:30
oh well
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i know
i said i was going to blog more often and i haven't
i'll try again
i sang a solo at cr friday night
a song that i wrote
people seemed to like it
that was nice
valentine's day passed uneventfully
for us
our oldest grandson drew had some drama
his girlfriend of many months chose to break up with him on valentine's day
did i mention that it was also his birthday
he seemed to take it fairly well
but then
4 hours later
she called him and said she thought she had made a mistake
long story short
they are back together but he is confused
we stayed for dinner and had lasagna
and birthday cake and ice cream
we had the cake and ice cream first
yesterday was the start of my new schedule at work
9 a to 12:30 p is wonderful
i get home just a little after faith does and we have the whole rest of the day to ourselves
i love it
this morning was nice
i got a 1/2 hour break to go to a 401k meeting
which was basically a waste of time
but it was time away from the phone
i only called 66 people today and talked to 2 and got 1 appointment
i left a lot of messages though
i forgot
i am obsessed
i read all 4 books of the twilight series in about 2 weeks
i read books 3 and 4 twice
and now i have started re-reading the whole series
i am almost finished with book 2
i got the movie twilight from the library and watched it
i liked it a lot
but i hadn't read the book yet
no comparison
as usual
the book had so much more to it
i have new moon on hold at the library
i checked today and found out that i am 17th on the list
oh well
you're more or less up to date now
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

panera again
faith is having lunch with a friend and her daughter
and i am sitting in front of the fake log fire blogging
starting next week i will no longer be working 2 evenings and saturday morning each week
i am being moved to mornings 5 days a week
9 to 12:30
and faith is 7:40 to 11:45
we'll have more time together
today i gave some text about the 12 step support group i want to start at church to the church secretary to put in sunday's bulletin
it would be nice if i got some calls
i'll make a go of it even if i get just 2 people
i sing a solo at celebrate recovery this friday
1 of the 2 christian songs i've written
i hope i remember the words (and the tune) and don't sing off key
i promise i will get better at blogging more regularly
i didn't even cross my fingers
both of the bloggers i follow on a daily basis are so good at being vulnerable and real
i wish i could do that
i always sound so stiff and formal
oh well
i guess it doesn't make any difference
nobody reads this but me
but i do this instead of journaling so it's something i need to be doing
i need to get faith and head for home
i have to get ready to go place chess with some 4th and 5th graders and then head out to work
God bless

signing off
goodbye for now