I've been in a trough lately...
...but I lost 10 pounds in February.
I am a sinner saved by grace and a parttime poet. I participate in Celebrate Recovery and have been sober since 04/09/2011. My wife and I are both retired. I love my life. I am truly blessed.
...aside from my doctors appointment yesterday morning. I found out that I shouldn't get a support belt because wearing it all the time would cause my muscles to atrophy.
I wrote a new poem yesterday. Finally.
...to not writing everyday (m-f). I need to stick with it, especially since I'm not otherwise employed and it's like my job.
Hi Bill,
Well. I wrote yesterday. Today I got another rejection. I need to update my submission-tracking document.
No rejections yesterday, but I didn't write either. I'm going to put in my half-hour today as soon as I log off.
Saturday I received a notice announcing the winner of a chapbook competition I had entered.
Yet another stock rejection yesterday, but at least the day had one success: I was still 231 when I weighed myself. I'm glad I am sticking to my new routine and am eating heathier (and with smaller portions).
Well. Another stock rejection. Still nothing new written. I need to get in gear. Starting next week (m - f), i'll st aside at least half-an-hour every day to write. It'll be a start.
The poetry circle didn't meet lat night. It's going to be re-scheduled. We had four inches of snow yesterday and the roads were a little dicey. I know I certainly didn't want to be going 30 miles on back roads.
I got another rejection this morning. It sounded very polite and impersonal.
Well. Here it is a new week, and I'm feeling sort of like being a slacker. It's below zero here and I just want to stay warm. I don't think I'll be sending anything out today, unless I can find someplace that accepts e-mail submissions.
"This is sincere, but not great poetry. It doesn't elevate my understanding of God, though it's very human. Sorry to say no."
So. I e-mailed off another submission yesterday, this time to a Christian magazine. We'll see. I explained to them that I consider myself a believer, but added, Lord, help my unbelief. I didn't explain, that, while I consider Christ to be my personal savior, I consider all paths to be equally valid for the individuals concerned. To me there is only one God (yes, even science or reason can be included). So I'm born-again as a very non-standard believer. I follow Christ more than I do any Christian church.
All right. I did send off another submission yesterday. Now I have a problem. I'm out of names and addresses to which to submit. I've been using the current issue of Poets&Writers to find submission opportunities. Now I guess it's back to Poet's Market, and I'll just have to hope that it's not too out-of-date.